Awards & Credits


Moonbase- The Next Step – Brno 2023
Judges Honourable mention

Moonbase- The Next Step – Jena 2023
Honourable mention

Festoon- Best new software -2021
Jena and DFW

“Starmaker” – Jena Film Festival 2019

International Planetarium Movie Festival 2016, South Korea
Popularity award “We Are Stars

Fiske Fulldome Film Festival 2016, Colorado, USA
Best of show “We Are Stars

Fulldome Festival 2016, Jena, Germany
Janus Directors Award “We Are Stars

Immersive Film Festival 2015, Espinho, Portugal
Best of show “We Are Stars

Fiske Fulldome Film Festival 2015, Colorado, USA
Best of show “We Are Stars

Install Awards- London 2014
Best Project and Star Product for Schindlers fulldome showroom and custom content

Novosibirsk Fulldome Festival, Russia - Kinokupol 2014
Public Choice Award “We Are Aliens
Second Prize Award for full length shows “We Are Aliens

Macao film Festival IPS 2014, Macao
Best Planetarian Choice for “Back To The Moon For Good

Macao film Festival IPS 2014, Macao
Best Education Production “We Are Aliens! 3D

Fulldome UK 2012, Leicester, UK
Best Use of Dome Award for “Miracle of Life” short film adapted from “Cell! Cell! Cell!

International Planetarium Movie Festival 2012, Gwacheon, Republic of Korea
Audience Award for “Cell! Cell! Cell!

Jackson Hole Science Media Awards 2012, Jackson Hole, USA
Finalists Best Immersive Cinema – Fulldome for “Cell! Cell! Cell!

DomeFest 2012, Baton Rouge, USA
Best Narrative Award for “Miracle of Life” short film adapted from “Cell! Cell! Cell!

Museums & Heritage Awards 2012, London, UK
Best International Project Award for the Children's Centre for Civilisation & Creativity project, Cairo. (NSC
Creative contributed 3 pieces of key content including Fulldome and fog screen films.)

Jackson Hole Film Festival 2011, Jackson Hole, USA
Finalists Best Immersive Cinema – Fulldome for “We Are Astronomers

IFF (immersive Film Festival) 2011, Esphino, Portugal
Best of IFF Award for “We Are Astronomers

IFF (immersive film Festival) 2011 Esphino, Portugal
Best Script Award for “We Are Astronomers

Leicestershire Business Awards 2011, Leicester, UK
Creative Business of the Year Award

EMEA + InAVation Awards 2011, Amsterdam
The Most InAVative Leisure and Entertainment Project Award for 4Dventure, Our Dynamic Earth, Scotland.
Collaboration with Global Immersion who provided the bespoke theatre and NSC Creative produced the media content “Journey of Contrasts 4D”.

Imiloa film Festival 2010, Hawaii, USA
Best Script Award for “We Are Astronomers

Fulldome Festival 2010, Jena, Germany
Fulldome Excellence Award for “We Are Astronomers

Leicestershire Business Awards 2010
Finalists for Innovation through Enterprise Award

DomeFest 2009, New Mexico, USA
Best Narrative Award for “The Hunter and His Dog” adapted from “STARS

European Immersive Film Festival 2009, Portugal
Best Visuals Award for “Launch” adapted from “STARS
Best Soundtrack Award for “The Hunter and His Dog” adapted from “STARS
Finalist for “Living in Space” adapted from “ASTRONAUT

Fulldome Festival 2009, Jena, Germany
Excellence Award for Outstanding Quality for “Centrifuge” adapted from “ASTRONAUT

DomeFest 2008, Chicago
Best Dome Design Award for “Centrifuge” adapted from “ASTRONAUT


  • We Are Astronomers / 2009

  • Journey of Contrasts – 4D ride content Our Dynamic Earth / 2010

  • Cell! Cell! Cell! / 2011

  • We Are Aliens / 2012

  • Astronaut 2D & 3D / 2012

  • GLXP Back to the Moon for Good / 2013

  • Schindler Lifts – Tomorrow Town - 2013 Tomorrow Town 2 / 2015

  • Sharjah /2014

  • Ferrari World Flying Aces 8k 3D

  • We Are Stars 2D & 3D & VR 8k 60fps / 2016

  • Minnosota commissioned production / 2017

  • Planets360 4K 2D / 2018

  • Moonbase – 4K 2D 2023

  • Together Apart Junkerry – Arts piece 2023

  • Sounds of the Ocean fulldome - 2023